Clean Industry Solutions Holding Europe
Clean Industry Solutions: Stockpicker intervjuar Christian Zahler, VD för Clean Industry Solutions (Stockpicker)

2023-09-20 08:55

Vi har satt oss ner för en pratstund med Christian Zahler, VD för Clean Industry Solutions (CIS). CIS genomför just nu en företrädesemission där vi får reda på vad de har för planer för emissionslikviden.

Would you please tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

– I am a solar energy pioneer. My journey in this field began when I decided to focus on solar energy during my studies in physics. As early as 1992, I started my career as a student assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Freiburg, Germany – the largest research institute for solar energy in Europe.
My academic path led me to graduate in the specialized field of solar thermal energy, but I also acquired extensive knowledge in various aspects of solar energy, ranging from solar architecture to the development of solar power plants. Throughout my career, I had the privilege of working in prestigious research institutions, including NTNU and Sintef in Trondheim, Norway, thanks to several post-graduate grants.

Can you briefly describe Clean Industry Solutions (CISH) and your operations?

– Clean Industry Solutions currently operates two subsidiaries, Industrial Solar and SolarSpring, which specialize in providing solutions for clean energy and clean water supply in various industries. These subsidiaries are wholly owned by Clean Industry Solutions and play a vital role in our commitment to sustainable practices. While we primarily focus on optimizing and growing these existing subsidiaries, we remain open to potential acquisitions that align with our strategic objectives and can bring synergistic benefits. This approach allows us to explore opportunities to expand our portfolio and create value through strategic acquisitions that complement our core business operations.

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Right now, you are offering a rights issue with a subscription period closing on the 26th of September. Upon full subscription, you will initially receive approximately SEK 25.5 million, before issuing costs. What are your plans for the issue proceeds?

– Our plans for the proceeds from the rights issue primarily involve furthering our clean energy projects, expanding our operations and strengthening our financial position to seize growth opportunities in the clean energy industry. The proceeds will give us working capital for new projects and continued growth.

According to you, what are the main reasons for investing in Clean Industry Solutions?

– The main reasons to invest in Clean Industry Solutions are the growing demand for sustainable solutions, the potential for significant returns in the expanding clean energy sector, and the company's commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility. We have seen an increase in income during H1 2023 and are getting orders from well-established customers such as Unilever and Hilton Hotel.

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Mats Ahlskog, CEO Stockpicker AB
Phone: + 46 8-52504762

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