Protean Select: Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – In a world increasingly dominated by passive investing, Swedish fund boutique Protean Funds is waging a battle to keep active management alive and thriving. Known for its rebellious, flexible and active approach, the boutique launched its equity hedge fund in mid-2022 and a ...
Publicerad: 2025-01-08 10:43 av MFN
Protean Select: Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Swedish fund management boutique Protean Funds is recognized for its unconventional approach to investing and its commitment to outside-the-box thinking, which extends to its hiring practices. The asset manager has further strengthened its investment team by welcoming long- ...
Publicerad: 2024-10-17 13:26 av MFN
Protean Small Cap: Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – About one year after the successful launch of their long/short equity fund Protean Select, Pontus Dackmo and Carl Gustafsson introduced a long-only equity fund targeting the same small- and mid-cap universe. Despite being operational for only nine months in a challenging ma ...
Publicerad: 2024-03-27 14:07 av MFN
Elekta: STOCKHOLM, 18 februari 2019 – Nordea Fonder har utsett Filippa Gerstädt till ledamot i Elektas (EKTA-B.ST) valberedning istället för Pontus Dackmo som avslutar sin anställning hos Nordea.
Publicerad: 2019-02-18 07:30 av Cision
Elekta: STOCKHOLM, 15 november 2018 – Enligt beslut vid Elektas (EKTA-B.ST) årsstämma den 30 augusti 2018 har styrelsens ordförande sammankallat en valberedning inför årsstämman 2019 genom att kontakta de fyra röstmässigt största aktieägarna utöver den eller de aktieägare som ordföranden själv representerar ...
Publicerad: 2018-11-15 07:30 av Cision