Tethys Oil - All share offer at SEK 58.7/sh (ABG Sundal Collier)

2024-09-13 10:15
  • Roc Oil Company bids SEK 58.7/sh for Tethys Oil
  • Offer in-line with ABGSC valuation, independent committee recommends the offer
  • Bid seems likely to be accepted

Roc Oil Company bids SEK 58.7/sh for Tethys Oil

Today, 13 September 2024, Roc Oil Company Pty Limited, announced a public cash offer to the shareholders of Tethys Oil AB to tender all their shares in Tethys to the offeror at a price of SEK 58.70/sh in cash, valuing the company at SEK 1.894b. The offered price of SEK 58.7/sh is 89% above yesterday's closing price of SEK 31/sh, and 77% above the last 90 days average price of SEK 33/sh. Lansdowne Partners Austria GmbH, Magnus Nordin (CEO of Tethys), and Göran Källebo, holding 16.86% of Tethys' shares, have committed to accepting the bid, subject to conditions. The acceptance period for the offer is expected to commence on or around 28 October 2024 and expire on or around 2 December 2024.

Offer in-line with ABGSC valuation, independent committee recommends the offer

The bid of SEK 58.7/sh, compares to our risked NAV of SEK 64/sh, consisting of SEK 41/sh for block 3&4, SEK 18/sh in contingent resources and SEK 4 in net cash. Note that our NAV does not include any value to Tethys' other exploration blocks (49, 56, 58). On 5 February 2024, Tethys' board announced a strategic review of its Oil and Gas assets, considering various proposals, thus today's announcement is not a surprise. The independent bid committee recommends the offer as the best alternative to maximise shareholder value.

Bid seems likely to be accepted

As the offer is much in-line with our current valuation, represents a substantial premium to yesterday's close (89%), and the biggest the shareholder, Lansdowne Partners Austria, has committed to the offer, we believe it is likely that the bid will be accepted.

Tethys Oil SOTP
Source: ABG Sundal Collier, company data

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  • Läsaren av innehållet kan anta att ABG Sundal Collier har erhållit eller kommer att erhålla betalning för utförandet av finansiella företagstjänster från bolaget. Ersättningen är på förhand avtalad och är inte beroende av innehållet.

research@abgsc.com (cr.abgsc.com)
ABG Sundal Collier - Commissioned research (cr.abgsc.com)


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