ES Energy Save Holding
Energy Save - Solid sales ramp-up, return to profitability (ABG Sundal Collier)

2024-09-13 09:30
  • Sales ramp-up continues (187% y-o-y), +13% vs. ABGSCe
  • Positive EBIT (SEK 324k vs. ABGSCe -2m), first time since early 2023
  • Aira partnership continues, improving FCF, positive momentum ahead

Aira partnership drove 32% sequential growth

Energy Save reported sales of SEK 79m (13% vs. ABGSCe SEK 70m), 187% y-o-y and 32% q-o-q. The gross margin was 25% vs. 29% LY and EBIT came in at SEK 324k (vs. ABGSCe SEK -2m), for a margin of 0% (ABGSCe -3%). Residential sales continued to ramp up and grew 28% q-o-q while Commercial grew by 168% q-o-q, but was down 38% y-o-y. According to the CEO, the Aira partnership continued to show results according to plan and drove revenues at a time when the industry and the rest of the market has seen relatively low activity. FCF improved and was SEK -399k (SEK -13m in Q4'23/'24) as working capital release was positive at ~1m. The cash balance was at SEK 51m, vs. 52m in Q4'23/24.

Estimate changes and outlook

On outlook, the CEO expects quarterly sales growth to continue (we have sales of SEK 72/77/81m in upcoming quarters vs. the actual 79m in the current quarter), albeit at a slower rate both y-o-y and q-o-q compared to previous quarters. Even though end-market conditions remain challenging (high interest rates, unfavourable electricity and gas prices), the CEO expects seasonality and lower inventory levels to support the continued sales ramp-up. We believe the better-than-expected Q1 results and higher base going into future quarters could lift FY'24/25e sales by ~10% for consensus, while this higher sales contribution could potentially result in Energy Save reaching positive EBIT for FY'24/25e (vs. our estimate of -4m).


Energy Save is currently trading at 0.7x EV/Sales '24/'25e and 11-5x EBIT '25/'26-'26/'27e. We find today's report encouraging as numbers are better than our expectations across the board, and would expect a continued positive trend in both sales and earnings.

Quarterly outcome vs. expectations
Source: ABG Sundal Collier, co

  • Läs mer på ABG Sundal Collier

  • Läsaren av innehållet kan anta att ABG Sundal Collier har erhållit eller kommer att erhålla betalning för utförandet av finansiella företagstjänster från bolaget. Ersättningen är på förhand avtalad och är inte beroende av innehållet. (
ABG Sundal Collier - Commissioned research (

ES Energy Save Holding B - I dag



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